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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Exile five Tibetan NGOS hold a candle light vigil in Mcloed Ganj

5th march 2010,Exile five Tibetan NGOS hold a candle light vigil Mcloed Ganj to protest the detention of hundreds of Tibetans and the launch of “Strike Hard” campaign in Tibet Autonomous Region ahead of the anniversary of the Tibetan uprising on 10 March.

For immediate release:

The Chinese government's continued suppression has intensified in recent days. with the approach of the historic March 10 uprising commemoration and the fear surfacing the reoccurrence of nation wide uprising in 2008, the Chinese government has reportedly launched a " Strike Hard" campaign n Lhasa, Tibet's capital and in the surrounding areas to intimidate and suppress Tibetans in the lead up to this sensitive anniversary.

The campaign is aimed to quell political dissent through mass detention and arrests. More than 70 Tibetans were reportedly detained in Lhasa and the capital remains under huge presence of Chinese soldiers. Recently, the Kardze People's Intermediate court has sentenced Pema Yeshi to two year suspended death sentence on the charges of "inciting separatism" and " disturbing social order". The Chinese government doesn't hesitate killing Tibetan political prisoners with impunity and many are sentenced to life imprisonment and varying prison terms. We strongly condemn the Chinese government's brutal policies.

We beseech the Chinese government to immediately stop the persecution of the Tibetan political prisoners. The execution of loyak and Kangtsuk earlier in 2009 should be accountable as arbitrary and unlawful action of the Chinese government. And we condemn the recent two year suspended death sentence passed on to Pema Yeshi.

The Chinese government has in fringed upon on all the international laws and the Universal Charter of Human rights by launching the "Strike Hard" campaign and is a compelling testimony to the brutality of the Chinese government. We salute the bravery of the Tibetan martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the just cause and we stand in solidarity with our fellow Tibetan inside Tibet who continues to suffer under the brutal regime.

Organised by

Tibetan Youth Congress

Tibetan women's Association

National Democratic Party of Tibet

Gu Chu Sum Movement of Tibet

Students for a free Tibet.

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